When I googled Child Abuse, a lot of stuff came up. But these were the keywords that really stood out for me:
damaged, lack of trust, worthless, anxiety, depression, anger.
These are the words that have been used to describe the feelings that children who have been abused go through. I felt so sick reading all the articles that were posted up online, especially about all the abuses that were carried out intentionally. The thing about child abuse is that the main abuser is usually someone that the child is familiar with, like a parent, sibling or a guardian. Amongst the types of abuses that I read about (including emotional abuse, physical abuse), sexual abuse and child neglect really caught my eye. The reason was because these 2 abuses are the kind that you cannot really recognize. Apart from showing odd behaviour, a normal person wouldn't be able to tell that the kid has been abused/is being abused.
I think I already have some ideas as to how to depict all these into a picture.