Wednesday 5 December 2012


We were asked to come up with 5 different ideas for our final artwork project, and these were the 5 that I came up with:

 This was the first sketch I came up with. I wanted it to depict the emotional abuse of a person. However, it didn't quite work out as nice as I expected on Photoshop, so I quickly tried other ideas. 

This was supposed to be the drawing of a child's feet, depicting child labour. The child is wearing a boot that is too big for it. Another boot is missing, indicating that these children are not properly treated. 

 I came across the idea of a broken teddy bear, but I decided that it was a bit too common and mainstream.

 After that, I had this idea of a girl being controlled by a puppet master, to show that the child is not at her own free will to do whatever she wants; she is being exploited. However, I wasn't very happy with the drawing of the girl because she somehow looks a little bit like a doll.

 In the end, I decided on a more realistic (I hope) of a girl being hung like a puppet. This became the final sketch for my final artwork project.

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